Our School and College Programmes

Our multi-award winning not-for-profit organisation was created by young people for young people, and motivated by the desire to enable others to become changemakers. Below is a list of some of our school and college programmes, each one created to empower and inspire young people to become changemakers and harness their potential. You can also download our brochure, or speak to us about a specific need in your school or college that’s not mentioned here, we’re happy to help!

Exploring Alternative Career Pathways Day

Unloc’s Exploring Alternative Career Pathways Day is an engaging and interactive event that explores a range of possible career routes beyond attending university and the skills needed to navigate the fast changing labour market we live in. An initial inspiring introductory talk kicks the day off and sets the scene, followed by 4 ‘masterclasses’ delivered by the Unloc team. Workshops include: The Fast Changing Labour Market: Students look at what skills will be more…

Skills Boosting Masterclasses

Our custom skills-boosting workshops help our partner schools and colleges to upskill their young people on a range of crucial skills for work, study and the adult world.  Each workshop programme is custom-designed, taking into account the most pressing areas of employability development required, and can cover skills to support specific cohorts of students. Workshops include: Professional networking Developing a professional image Communicating and working as a team Developing personal resilience Creating your own…

Work Placement Readiness Programme

Unloc’s Work Placement Readiness programme develops the skills and awareness of young people ahead of them entering a professional work placement or starting their career. The programme comprises both skills and knowledge development through active learning workshops and applying that to the context of their work placement.  We will, as best as possible, map the 4 session programme to the needs of your work placement programme and industries of focus.  The programme is usually…

Able & Talented/Aim High Programme

The Aim High programme is focused on developing the soft skills of able & talented students. The programme supports students with aspirational pathways to develop the high degree of human/soft skills they need to succeed in their next steps. Learning is applied back to the context of applying for and progressing onto university, apprenticeships or careers. The programme is usually delivered across four half days, exploring topics including: Communicating your passion (including in academia!)…

Student Voice Audit (for senior leaders)

Unloc’s Student Voice Audit is a process to help School/College Leaders to understand and evaluate your institution’s position in terms of student voice and your responsiveness to student opinion. Roger Hart’s ‘ladder of participation’ is used as a benchmark to understand where your institution is now – and where it needs to be – in terms of effective student voice practice. The audit will look at student voice in the school/college generally and will…

Independent Learner Voice Conferences

Interactive and immersive half day learner voice conferences that provide an independent, safe space for students to share the issues they are facing and improvements they’d like to see in the school, college or community. Each event enables student representatives to openly discuss issues they are facing, which Unloc converts into an end of project report summarising outcomes for senior leadership to utilise.  Each conference will explore how school/college leadership can work alongside the…

Student Union, School Council and Student Governor Training

Our renowned interactive training, up-skills and helps prepare students to effectively fulfil their roles as student leaders and representatives of the school or college body. The training will be tailored to the needs of the group; prior to the session we will organise a digital needs analysis with the link staff member to identify the focus for the training programme. The training is usually made up of 4 interactive skills based workshops, incorporating Student…

Leadership Academy Course

The Unloc Leadership Academy is an initiative to incubate passionate young leaders, to support their personal development and to channel their energy into tackling social issues faced by young people in their school, college or community.  Participants will take part in a core leadership and social action training programme at the beginning of their time at the Academy before specialising in a social issue they would like to address. Academy participants will then deliver…

Public Speaking & Debating Short Course

Unloc’s Public Speaking & Debating Short Course is an empowering 12-week programme that provides a chance for students to develop their confidence, communication skills and then put them into action.  The twelve-week course consists of both skills development through workshop-style learning and structured debating of current and controversial topics.  In the process, students develop their employability skills – including confidence in speaking, listening and sharing their views – whilst building their knowledge of societal…

Inspiring Entrepreneurial Speakers

Want to connect your students with entrepreneurial role models? Our Inspiring Entrepreneurial Speaker Sessions enable young people to learn from a range of entrepreneurs sharing their own personal struggles, life lessons and successes.  Unloc identifies a range of young entrepreneurs and industry speakers from across our network with powerful stories to bring these sessions to life. The intervention is designed to boost the aspirations of participants, challenge them to consider the right career path…

Enterprise Day

An Unloc Enterprise Day is an inspiring day-long event exploring entrepreneurship and creative problem-solving. Young people get the opportunity to explore entrepreneurship and self employment as a potential career path, whilst also developing their enterprising and employability skills. During the course of the day, students will:  Hear from an inspiring entrepreneur Take part in 3 skills workshops (such as networking, branding and money management) Undertake a creative entrepreneurial challenge in teams To conclude the…

Enterprise Short Course

Unloc’s Enterprise Short Course is a practical, creative and structured programme that develops the entrepreneurial mindset and skills of young people. Young people will explore the key skills and knowledge associated with starting a business, with learning geared towards creating their very own businesses, projects or charity concepts. By the end of the inspiring programme, participants will have: Functional knowledge to develop their own enterprise or business (business planning, market testing, employment, legal structures,…

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