Last Thursday industry professionals from across the country gathered at Verizon’s slick London Hub in at MidCity Place, Holborn, for a Changemaker Moments event on Manufacturing. Hosted by Unloc, our Unloc Changemaker Alliance Members Verizon Business and Juniper Networks, and The Manufacturer – the event welcomed delegates from 25 manufacturing leaders, 25 young people, and members from all three organisations. Together they engaged with panels, explored emerging AI, IoT and robotics, networked, and even enjoyed a speed-mentoring session.

The Manufacturer’s 2024 research revealed that the biggest challenge facing the industry today is Leadership, People, and Skills, with 24% of manufacturing leaders saying this is the most pressing issue. What the research discovered is that that culture and skills are at the root of this. 

The question posed to delegates was ‘How do we do this? How do we rebrand the industry while attracting the talent that will help us do just that?’

This opened the way for much debate and sharing of experiences and thoughts on the current state of the industry, as well as where it’s headed in the coming future. Where are organisations seeing themselves headed – and how do they intend to get there?

During the event the delegates experienced:

The event was buzzing with energy and enthusiasm as business leaders got to hear directly from young people themselves, hear their ideas, their experiences, and where they see themselves posited within the industry.

It was also a great opportunity for business leaders to get to know one another, network and see where their organisations and ambitions align in the industry.

If you’re aged between 11 to 25 years old then there are two exciting new initiatives you can get involved with which will help us as an organisation to develop and grow. You’ll get to meet new people, make new friends, share your opinions on a whole host of topics – and best of all you’ll have tons of fun doing it!

For over 10 Years at Unloc we’ve facilitated a wide variety of dynamic and engaging programmes to enhance student voice across the many institutions and organisations we work with across the UK. As we continue to grow and expand our reach, young people more than ever need to be at the centre of those decisions. 

We consider ourselves incredibly lucky that we get to work with over 15,000 young people every single year, we’re constantly surprised, impressed and amazed by the inspirational young changemakers we meet, so the question was posed ‘Why do we have to stop there?’


Young people on a group trip to Laser Quest taking part in a fun challenge as part of their Unloc programme


From this, our Community Engagement & Development Strategy was created, in partnership itself with young people, which focuses on expanding our community outreach and by truly investing in them and their changemaker journey after engaging in one of our programmes.

This year we are delighted to be launching two exciting new programmes that will help shape and direct our direction as an organisation – our Youth Board & Unloc Ambassador programmes.


The Unloc Youth Board


Our Youth Board will be put at the organisation’s centre to consult and guide the Unloc team to focus on what matters to young people within our work. As youth board members, young people will make significant contributions to the organisation, co-produce our session content with our facilitators and have the opportunity to meet other young people with a heart and passion for developing and empowering young people as changemakers.

Our board will also be instrumental in supporting us with making our programmes more innovative and ensuring they are truly supporting the needs of young people.

Hayden Taylor, Unloc’s Managing Director, said:

“It’s essential that we put young people at the heart of what we do at Unloc. As we grow our reach to work with thousands more young people every year, our Youth Board will be able to properly steer the direction we follow and the decisions we make. I’m so excited to see what this group of amazing young people mean for our future as an organisation.”


Unloc Ambassadors

We are also establishing our Unloc Ambassadors Programme. Our new young Ambassadors will get the chance to attend our programmes and sessions to help inspire other young people and share their experiences, plus attend exclusive events with our partners to showcase the impact they have made through their changemaker journey.

Both our Youth Board and Ambassadors will receive training and support throughout to develop their public speaking, communication, networking skills and more.

The 2 programmes will work in harmony by meeting for a joint development day in early 2024, and then meeting with the rest of the Unloc Community (any Young Person who has completed a programme with us before) in August for our first-ever Unloc Changemaker Conference.

Ben Dowling, Co-Founder of Unloc & Director of People & Resources said:

“As we grow the work we do, it’s only natural that the young people who engage in Unloc programmes should become advocates for the programmes that are empowering and engaging them in what matters most to them. Through our Ambassadors programme, we can make sure that genuine role modelling of young changemakers can be built into all the work we do, whilst also providing yet another leadership opportunity for young people across the Unloc Community.”


Unloc’s Founders Ben Dowling and Hayden Taylor


Emiley Hinton, Unloc’s Community & Alumni Engagement Officer said:

“The community strategy is an amazing chance to grow the amount of young people who will get the chance to access experiences to grow their confidence through a variety of opportunities. This is such an exciting strategy and it’s only the beginning, can’t wait to see the impact this strategy and both programmes will have on the young people and Unloc itself!”

These opportunties not only help Unloc as an organisation continue to grow and best meet the needs of young people, they also provide unique opportunities for young people to develop themselves, network and meet like minded other people, and to grow their skills and empowerment to voice their opinions and take action on issues which are important to them. Don’t just take our word for it though, take it from someone who knows!


Katie Reid


Katie has developed so much within herself and as a young changemaker, recently speaking in the House of Commons


Katie Reid took part in the Inspiring Change programme last year, and her group ‘See the difference’ created an awareness campaign about bullying and how to get help and support. This was inspired by their own personal experiences, and was a topic that they cared deeply about and wanted to take action on. Through the programme Katie and her team mate Sasha were invited to the House of Commons to speak about their impressive project at the PAC Parliamentary Event, Katie’s said:

“When I look back at who I was just over a year ago I can’t believe i’m the same person. I first got involved with Unloc through the Inspiring Change project in Summer 2022. The Unloc programme absolutely changed my life, it opened so many doors for me inside my own head, showing me that I have a voice, what I can be capable of, that I can speak up, I can speak passionately, I can come up with ideas of my own and actually create change around me in the world.

I feel a lot more confident in my future since completing the programme, and I think I’m more likely to be successful now too because I actually know what I am capable of. I’m not just abandoned by Unloc, I keep getting to do more and more with my future!


Click here to find out more about our Unloc Ambassadors programme


Click here to find out more about the Unloc Youth Board!


Inspiring Change was our hugely successful programme we held last Summer in partnership with the Peer Action Collective, Youth Options, Artswork and the Youth Endowment Fund.

Our young changemakers took part in a wide range of fun activities from problem solving challenges to confidence building games. Their main aim was to decide what mattered to them and develop social action projects aimed at tackling the issue of youth violence.

There was also the chance for young people to apply for funding of between £1000 and £3000 to support the project they designed and planned.


Young people on the Inspiring Change programme enjoying one of our fun team building activities


This free programme was an 8 month experience for 15-19 year olds living in Portsmouth, Southampton, Eastleigh and Totton. Groups developed plans around knife crime, bullying, and youth violence (to name but a few) with one member going on to win an award at the PAC Awards in the Autumn, and a group winning the Campaign of the Month Award last month from Billboard Media!

Katie Reid took part in the Inspiring Change programme and her group ‘See the difference’ created an awareness campaign about bullying and how to get help and support. Katie and her team mate Sasha were later invited to the House of Commons to speak about their impressive project at the PAC Parliamentary Event, Katie’s been kind enough to share her thoughts with us:


“When I look back at who I was just over a year ago I can’t believe i’m the same person. I first got involved with Unloc through the Inspiring Change project in Summer 2022. I was really nervous about doing it initially, I had a pretty rough time at school due to bullying, and I was very shy and often didn’t speak up or share my opinions.


The Inspiring Change programme included a wide range of activities, from fun games and sports, building challenges, paintball and problem solving tasks – all aimed at inspiring ideas and building confidence in young people to create positive change.


The Inspiring Change programme absolutely changed my life, it opened so many doors for me inside my own head, showing me that I have a voice, what I can be capable of, that I can speak up, I can speak passionately, I can come up with ideas of my own and actually create change around me in the world. 

I feel a lot more confident in my future since completing the programme, and I think I’m more likely to be successful now too because I actually know what I am capable of. In March this year I attended the PAC parliamentary event which was held in the House of Commons. I attended with one of the amazing Unloc Facilitators and my Inspiring Change project partner Sasha. We were so excited and a little nervous – as it was our first-time taking part in an event like this, and neither of us had been to the House of Commons before. 


Sasha (left) and Katie (right) outside the Houses of Parliament


Knowing we were going to speak in such a prestigious place was so daunting, I can’t lie, but if there’s one i’ve learnt during my time with Unloc it’s that just because something is scary it doesn’t mean you can’t do it! You have to believe in yourself and your capabilities.

If you’d told me a year ago that i’d speak in the House of Commons I would have laughed in your face!

When we first arrived at Parliament we were surprised at how big and busy it was. There were a range of guests invited including, MPs, reporters, and business representatives. Once we were allowed into the meeting room Sasha and I talked to the invited guests and discussed our Unloc project. 

We explained that we are passionate about helping teachers to notice the subtle signs of bullying so that they can ensure young people have the support they so desperately need. The guests all seemed to be truly interested and intrigued about what we had to say.

After a bit it was time for the speeches. I had prepared what I was going to say before I went, but that actually went out the window a little, as I found that when I was stood in front of everyone it was actually better to speak from the heart. 


Katie spoke from the heart and delivered an impactful speech which touched everyone attending


I spoke about the research and findings that we had gained from our project, my personal feelings and experiences of bullying, what we have achieved so far, and what we hope to achieve in the future. Once I got into the flow the words just came out, I guess because it’s something I know first hand so well, the words came from the heart. 

To have all these important people hearing my story and acknowledging what I, and millions of others have gone through due to bullying was so empowering, and finally I was able to give something back and do something to help other young people like me.

I feel so proud that I was asked to take part in this event, and although I was still nervous – the feelings of achievement afterwards were worth all the nerves. I never would have ever believed i’d do something like this.



From taking part, I feel that my confidence and self-belief have increased. I was able to stand up in front of a room of strangers and talk about my lived experience and how I hope to help others avoid going through a similar bullying situation.

People under-estimate the damage that bullying does, and the long-term damage it has on people’s mental health and confidence, more needs to be done to combat bullying and i’m proud to be a small part of that.

My communications and networking skills have been developed hugely from this experience and as a result of sharing our passion and ideas. This is definitely a life event that I will always remember as one of the first stepping stones to my future.


Katie Reid


Find out more about our Inspiring Change programme by clicking here!

Are you being bullied or feeling depressed or anxious?

Always talk to a trusted adult for advice if you’re being bullied or harassed. A parent, guardian, teacher, older family member or trusted adult.

Here are some free mental health support services that you can also access for help, advice or for someone to talk to:

Young Minds – support for children and young people

STEM4 – supporting teenagers with their Mental Health

NHS – Mental Health support for children and young people

The Mix – support for the Under 25’s

Beware of lurking Trolls – support and free resources for younger children


The energy in our Changemaker Studios: Portsmouth space was electric recently as students from schools across Portsmouth gathered together for our second Council of Portsmouth Students Summit 2021/2022.

This in-person event is a great chance for the participating students to mix and get to know their peers from other schools in the area, as well as developing their skills and working within their Action Groups to bring about change in their school and community.

This year the Summit included representatives from 11 institutions including Admiral Lord Nelson School, Castle View Academy, Charter Academy, Mayville High School, Miltoncross Academy, Park Community School, Portsmouth Grammar School, Priory School, St John’s College, Trafalgar School, and The Portsmouth Academy.

The day included icebreakers, energisers and activities led by the students themselves, with the rest of the day tailored to the students’ thoughts, opinions, input and feedback.

Our Unloc Programme Facilitator Jessi, and the facilitator of this year’s CoPS, delivered a ‘masterclass’ on Confidence and Public Speaking. We considered what ‘confidence’ means to us, why confidence is necessary, and introduced the ‘Three-Legged Stool of Self-Confidence’, discussing how each leg representing Skillful, Responsible and Appreciation needs to be balanced.

We focused a little more on the Appreciation topic, and why, as British people, we tend to find it hard to accept appreciation and to say ‘thank you’. Whether we’re embarassed, don’t believe the compliment, or don’t know how to respond, Jessi encouraged everyone to share compliments with the members of their group, and asked the received to show their gratitude with a “thanks!”. 

We dived into Public Speaking, considering the different styles, famous public speakers, and the positives (and negatives) of their style of communicating. Jessi challenged everyone to give public speaking a go in the form of ‘Just A Minute’ – speaking continuously for one minute without hesitation, deviation, or repetition on a subject of their choice!

Our first Guest Speaker of the day was Fungayi Zinyemba, the Manager of the Mental Health Support Team in Portsmouth, who discussed how MHST are working with their schools to provide help and support with the mental health and wellbeing of themselves and their peers.

It was great to see the students asking questions and starting conversations about mental health, whether that be their own, their friends, or general concern for how mental health is treated in schools and their communities. 

Fellow Unloc Facilitator Larissa led an Activity on Debating, where the fundamentals of debate were covered before the students participated in a ‘moving debate’, using the space to show their opinion on hot topics. The students got stuck in, sharing their thoughts on the matter, with many of them utilising the public speaking skills we had covered earlier in the day, confidently sharing with everyone in the room. 

Our second Guest Speaker of the day was Lauren, a former CoPS Student from Portsmouth High School who was involved in the forum last academic year. Lauren was invited to speak to this year’s cohort about her personal experience whilst in CoPS and the actions and changes her group were able to bring about in her school and community. 

After Lauren’s inspiring talk, we split off into our Action Groups! These represented key themes or current issues, these were:

The students were given time to share their priorities going forward, led by the Action Group Leaders. Each group then presented to everyone else.

It’s amazing to know the actions these young people have already been able to implement, as well as their plans for the near-future to continue to bring about change in their school and community!

It was a truly inspiring event, and wonderful to see so many young changemakers from across Portsmouth gathered together and sharing their ideas in our new Changemaker Studios: Portsmouth space!

We can’t wait to see our CoPS members at the next Summit!

This November Student Governors from around the country will be coming together to develop their skills and learn best practice at the Festival of Student Governance at Birminghams International Convention Centre!

Unloc in partnership with the Association of Colleges and supported by The Blagrave Trust, have organised this unique opportunity to raise the profile of student governors and train them up for their roles at the United Kingdom’s largest further education event.

The Festival of Student Governance brings together young people from across the UK for governance training that ensures they are knowledgeable, supported, and prepared for the responsibility being given to them in their role.

They’ll develop their leadership abilities and attend workshops that will focus on key skills and practical knowledge for governance. Importantly they will also have the opportunity to meet and network with clerks, principals and other student governors from around the country.

Delegates will become equipped with practical skills and knowledge, hear inspirational guest speakers, and develop abilities that will empower them to deliver positive influence and change at their college. 

Our dynamic one day conference includes overnight accommodation, interactive workshops, bespoke training, inspiring guest speakers and a networking dinner.

Delegates will check into the Ibis Birmingham New Street Hotel from 5pm on Monday 15th November. At 7pm that evening there will be a networking dinner event where all attendees can meet, get to know each other, enjoy a meal and hear from our inspirational guest speakers. 

The next morning on Tuesday 16th November delegates will enjoy breakfast, then head to the Birmingham International Convention Centre for a 9am – 4pm conference event, filled with engaging workshops, training, lunch, guest speakers and immersive activities. 

Thanks to a heavily subsidised ticket we are pleased to offer delegate passes at £75 each. This includes the conference, all food, entertainment, and overnight accommodation. 

The only thing not included is travel to and from the conference!

Delegate passes are offered on a first come first served basis. There are a limited number of places available – so if you or your student governors are interested in attending the conference, be sure to reserve a place sooner rather than later.

Young Person interested in attending the event?

Speak to your college Principal or Clerk to find out if you’re able to join in and attend, we’d love to see you there!

Education professional looking to book a place/places for your students?

Simply click here to use our simple online booking form.

Download our free changemaker toolkit