Job Type: Full Time (40 hrs/week)
Time Period: Initial 1-year fixed term (with a view to extending)
Salary: £21,340 – £22,984 starting salary (Salary Band F1-F6)
Start Date: ASAP
Job Description & Person Specification: Click here to download.
Applications: Click here to apply. The deadline to apply is 09:00am, Friday 30th July with a provisional date of interview of Thursday 5th August 2021.
Are you passionate about working with young people and have excellent project management skills?
Join an exciting, fast-paced and growing social enterprise as our Programme Facilitator (Entrepreneurial Skills & Career Pathways), with responsibility for the project management and delivery of Unloc enterprise courses, enterprise events, inspiring speaker sessions and our bespoke career pathways projects in certain schools and colleges in the Unloc network.
Unloc’s mission is to empower young people to be innovative changemakers who seek to build stronger communities and sustainable businesses. We develop young people’s skills, enhance their potential and boost their determination to succeed. We work towards our mission by delivering inspiring educational programmes in our network of 200+ schools and colleges.
Our agile team, based at our central HQ in Portsmouth, are looking for a dedicated individual passionate about supporting and developing young people’s entrepreneurial skills and promoting alternative career pathways. We are passionate about giving young people the opportunity to be entrepreneurial and creative problem solvers whilst understanding all career pathways available to them. We pride ourselves on being innovative, embracing new technology and ensuring that we have young people at the heart of everything we do.